
Strength & Fitness
A high-intensity fitness program incorporating elements from several sports and types of exercise.

Open Gym
During Open Gym there are no classes taking place, which gives you the freedom to use the space on your own as you please.

Recovery Yoga & Mobility
Come in on Sundays at 9am for an hour of recovery yoga and mobility, intended to help sore muscles after a week of training.
*This class is held at the Main MKG Seattle located a mile away from MKG Fitness.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s a “WOD”?
“WOD” stands for Workout Of the Day. The “WOD” will be posted daily on our Workouts page.
What do “Px”, “Fx” and “Lx” mean?
At MKG Fitness we understand everyone has different fitness goals and abilities. This is why we have designed three different tiers within every class/workout that allow members to determine what’s appropriate for them at each stage of their athletic development. Each tier has different weight loads and movements to preserve the intended stimulus to accommodate potential limitations of experience level, range of motion or injury.
PX - Performance
The weight loads and movements are designed for athletes who enjoy competing in local competitions, on-line events such as ‘the games’ and aggressively advancing in the movements.
Fx - Fitness
The weight loads and movements are designed for athletes that have developed proficiency in the different lifts and movements.
Lx - Lifestyle
The weight loads and movements are designed for athletes that are just starting out or have mobility issues which prevent them from executing movements properly/safely.
What if I can’t do the workout as written?
Not to worry! Everything we do here can be scaled down to each individual’s ability. We encourage scaling as much as possible, to ensure proper form, technique, intensity, and range of motion.
Can I/Will I get hurt?
CrossFit is a physical fitness training regime and risk of injury is inherent in any sport or activity. Critics of CrossFit will have you believing everyone gets hurt. However the injury rate is completely blown out of proportion. Be careful with what you’re reading and check the source. Here is a level headed post on the Real Clear Science website.
How can I get started?
The best way to start is to first try us out and make sure it's the right fit! You can get started by filling out this form here.
What should I bring to my first class, classes or private coaching session?
We’ve created a special page that answers those questions here: What should I bring?